Alon Shalev: Author of the award winning Wycaan Master series.

At The Walls Of Galbrieth Winner of the 2013 Eric Hoffer YA Book Award
A reluctant hero, an ancient magic, and the power of friendship. The races of Odessiya await.
At The Walls Of Galbrieth:
A village healer saves lives: a warrior kills.
When his village is attacked, a young elf flees to avoid conscription. But Seanchai is shocked as many strangers sacrifice their lives to ensure he reaches an elusive teacher.
Shayth understands killing, thrives on it. He has left a violent wake and a feared reputation throughout Odessiya. Hate fuels his every move. He cannot comprehend Seanchai’s abhorrence to fighting, yet he is drawn to help him even if he must confront the past that destroyed his humanity.
Ilana is a fearless guide, willing to give her life to free her race. She has a mission. Falling in love with a fragile elf she is responsible for is reckless and dangerous.
In a world where humans rule and elves are a slave nation, a disgraced Wycaan Master must train one last student. Thousands died once because of her actions. Not this time.
ISBN: 978-0-9884428-0-1 (paperback)
LCCN: 2012950787
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