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WINNER!!! At The Walls Of Galbrieth won the YA category in the 2013 Eric Hoffer Book Awards!

In 2010, deep in a Northern Californian redwood forest, two boys (9 years + 6 years) and their father sat at a picnic table and created an original epic fantasy world. ï»¿The ancient trees looked on and bore witness to the summoning of the Wycaan Masters.













At The Walls Of Galbrieth went on to win the Eric Hoffer Book Award for YA and over the next five years, Shalev presented a fresh manuscript to his sons while on their summer camping trip, subjecting himself to these harshest of critics. In 2011, Tourmaline Books signed Alon Shalev to what became a six-book commitment. Calhei No More, the sixth in the series, was released in the fall of 2016.


Written as a Young Adult epic fantasy series, these stories resonate with readers of all ages, telling of a reluctant hero who holds friendship and freedom above power and magic.













Alon Shalev is also the author of three social justice-themed novels including Unwanted HeroesThe Accidental Activist and A Gardener's Tale.


He blogs at and tweets @elfwriter. He can be found on Facebook & Goodreads, and is often seen staring at elves in coffee shops.


Galbrieth cover.5th.anniversary
The First Decree
Sacrificial Flame
From Ashes They Rose
Calhei No More
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